Archive for December, 2010

Happy Chanumas!

December 13, 2010

What do you get when you mix one part Channukah with one part Christmas? Chanumas!! I made this word up when I was a kid in honour of blending these two wonderful holidays… yup, I was lucky enough to celebrate both in my family. I remember driving downtown with my gram and gramps to gaze at the Christmas windows done up by The Bay – like many kids, I looked forward to that all year. But not just because of the windows filled with colourful, moving displays… I loved going for car rides and adventures with my grandparents. Gramps made everything into a story, a glorious adventure and gram brought cookies and other goodies to eat along the way. Gram never left home without some form of food in a baggie, in her purse. You never knew when you might get stranded without, heaven help us, any food to eat!! It was a jewish tradition, this great love and worry over food. Plus, my gram was the best baker, known for miles around for her pies, pin wheel cookies, cakes and lemon tartes. I’m happy to admit I rarely leave home without some back-up food to this day. Partly because as a holistic healer, I follow the six small meals a day way of eating; and partly because doing this  helps me to feel closer to my gram. When we keep up  traditions, it really does keep our deceased loved ones closer in our hearts. And they love seeing this from the Other Side, it brings them nearer to us as well!

Back to my story… when we arrived home after seeing all the pretty windows and lights on houses, (we had to drive some distance to see the lit up houses, no Jewish house in our neighbourhood would be caught dead with Christmas lights… pun intended) a surprise would be waiting for me. Gramps had put up a Channukah bush, as he called it – his effort to pay homage to my Scottish half. A really sweet and meaningful effort, all things considered. Thanks gramps!

I celebrated the Christmas side of Chanumas on Christmas eve / Christmas day with my parents and my Nanny. Twas the night before Christmas, marked by the exciting drive to pick my grandmother up, dad’s mom, and bring her home for the holiday. She was special for many reasons, not the least of which was her extraordinary psychic ability, which I have inherited. But on Christmas, Nanny was special because she thought she was the female Santa Claus!! She arrived with several shopping bags overflowing with presents and it was my job to place them carefully under our tree, real of course. Mrs. Claus, aka Nanny, wouldn’t have it any other way. How I loved that job; so many presents, so little time! We had eggnog, I was allowed to open one gift at the stroke of midnight and fell asleep with dreams of sugar plums dancing in my head. Oh, that was also because I danced with The National Ballet of Canada and knew every song of the Nutcracker by heart!

In the morning, Nanny and I had her favourite, a grapefruit half with honey, while I waited impatiently for my parents to wake up. They weren’t morning people and alas, neither am I these days, laugh. Mediums tend to be night owls (evidenced by my writing this at 2 am). In our home there was an order to opening presents, little to most significant, my mom’s order. It was a good one, as the best was saved for last. The day was also marked by my dad’s famous turkey and all the trimmings. He was the cook of the family, and he did it well. Still does, though my mom and his mom are now there in spirit… too bad they miss the yummy food tastes… but not much else. Our spirit loved ones join us for special occasions. I think mine enjoy the pulling of the holiday crackers the most! For those who don’t have a big family to celebrate the holidays with, or any family at all in some cases, please don’t feel that you’re alone… your family and friends surround you. Even if you can’t “see” them, they ARE there, sending you love.

I hope you enjoyed my holiday story. Wishing joy, peace and abundance to my loved ones, friends and clients both here on earth and on the spirit side. God bless us… everyone!

Small Medium off to dream of sugar plums!