Archive for the ‘N.Y.’ Category


November 6, 2012

Recently I provided a personal reading in a particularly haunted house. It went something like this: A woman called me after seeing an article recently published about my work in REM (Real Estate Magazine) and REM ONLINE. Visit their website or mine at: to peruse article. I arrived, expecting a typical reading appointment with this very nice Real Estate Agent. I got anything but!

After offering me tea, she asked if I’d like to tour the house before commencing the reading, seeing as I’m also an Energy Cleanser. I started in the kitchen, the first place I was “pulled to” and picked up a “Happy Birthday” message and the warning that an apparition stares in through the windows, from time to time. Agent O, as I’ll call her, validated that her birthday and her daughters’ had recently been celebrated. She has also seen a face staring in the window at her… rather unnerving!
As I proceeded upstairs, I picked up everything from health issues with various occupants, (living ones!) to their feelings of being watched, to a Spirit who climbs into bed regularly with the females in the house. Yikes! Agent O confirmed ALL of this and promptly asked me how soon I could perform an energy clearing.

Back downstairs, I focused to be able to connect the woman with her deceased loved ones, while tuning OUT the ghostly occupants of her home. I rarely give readings in such obviously haunted dwellings, so it was a challenge. Earthbounds and Spirit Loved Ones will fight for a Medium’s attention. Happily, two wonderful relatives of hers came through with startlingly accurate messages, names, methods of passing… tears and laughter were shared by all.

I made another appointment to return and clear the energy/ghosts and made to pack up and leave for the evening. But of course, every good ghost story has a twist. The lady of the house asked to show me a treasured photo she had taken of her house, unoccupied, prior to moving in. The picture was taken during day light hours, showing the front, exterior of the 100 year-old house. Clearly visible in the upstairs windows, were the heads and bodies of 4 distinct apparitions, peering out, in striking detail! Is this house haunted? I’d say so… seriously!

Boo! Small Medium Over and Out


May 21, 2012

This past Friday I had a lovely experience in the subway, and am sharing it for a very special reason. As I approached the Street exit, I was suddenly flooded with the sound of beautiful music, growing louder with each footstep. The music was coming from two talented musicians, including one playing the violin. I stopped to listen because I have a deceased Uncle who was a violin virtuoso and because the music was incredibly soul-stirring. I stood right in front of the duo, noticing that I was the only one to do so and wondering how anyone could NOT stop to take this in.

The next thing I knew I was crying. Not merely due to being moved, but also due to the presence of mothers – mine and the violinist’s, from the Spirit Side. As I stepped forward to drop some money into her case, she acknowledged me with a nod and smile, then asked if she could play me something special. I wanted the song my mom used to play on the piano, but the tune eluded me, so instead, she played The Prayer. As I thanked her, I felt the familiar pull to give her a message from her crossed-over mother, which I did. The message was about love and hope, answering something this musician greatly desired to know. Little did I know, that later that day, this talented violinist would give me a great gift in return.

A few hours later, as I descended the subway stairs in a haze after an upsetting hospital visit, there were the duo, still playing. My new friend, the violinist asked if I remembered my mother’s special song, and this time the melody floated easily to me. She caught the tune and proceeded to play me For Elise by Beethoven. It was both stirring and healing, bringing my mom back to me for a few brief moments… much-needed moments.

As we hugged goodbye, this talented woman asked if she could play me one more song, in thanks for channeling through her own mom. As she started playing she whispered in my ear, “bring this to the people”. I thought the best way was to write about it. Thank you “A, like Audrey Hepburn”!

Small Medium, over and out.

Serving The Servers!

August 20, 2010

People have been asking me more and more lately, how I balance a regular life with my irregular career as a Psychic Medium. It’s a good question and the answer is… striking a balance is sometimes tricky. While I’ve learned to turn my psychic abilities on and off, somewhat like a tap, there are times when it spontaneously occurs as I’m doing day-to-day “human Jaye” stuff. The Spirit side I work with knows this full time profession of mine is indeed a calling… so sometimes it simply “calls” on me to help.

Case in point, two seperate incidents where I was out having lunch on one particular day, and dinner on another, then found myself bringing through dead relatives as an un-ordered side dish! During dinner with my producer, discussing our newly-completed paranormal TV show proposal to be hosted by yours truly, I kept thinking about what a lovely man our waiter was. He was indeed a sweet fellow and a good waiter, but someone in particular was directing my attention towards him… his deceased mother. She was so persistent that I finally asked our server if I could pass a message along to him. Ethics in my field, as well as common sense, dictates that we mediums musn’t just blurt out messages from the dead to the living. Our waiter happily sat down beside me, eager, though stunned to hear from his mom on The Other Side. She told me of difficult times before she passed, but talked about how much her son was there for her and how he’d looked after her. He confirmed all these details… including the phrase she often used to describe her son, “a lovely man”. Before leaving the restaurant, my new friend told me he’d called his girlfriend without waiting for his shift to end, to pass along the amazing details of this last talk with his mom. I left with most of my dinner in a doggy bag, as there wasn’t time to actually eat it. That’s okay, I love doggy bags!

Later that same week I was having lunch with another friend/business person when I found myself asking him if he felt nauseous. As a medical intuitive, I often pick up on physical symptoms of others close to me. Nope, he said he felt fine. I mentioned that our waitress must be having some tummy problems.  Trying to enjoy the fresh salmon sandwich I’d ordered, I did my best to tune out the feeling that someone in spirit wished to talk with her. As you might guess, I finally gave in… the persistent gentleman was her deceased grandfather who started by telling me she was having real-life problems in her relationship with her dad. This, the waitress told me was true, and so her fathers’ father continued. His intention was to help heal the father/daughter relationship, as well as to send love. He and his grandaughter had been very close. He acknowledged the waitress’ sister as a doctor, another bang-on detail, talked of her going back to school and put his (my) hand over his heart… a gesture depicting his pride at being a war hero. Why had I been feeling a sick feeling in my stomach? Spirits often identify themselves by how they died – he’d been poisoned by his enemies post war. Yup, another day of the doggy bag for me.

What I do is also my life, so it’s all good.  But next time you see me at a party – I may just want to blend in and have fun like everyone else. After all, you can’t squish appetizers and frothy drinks into your purse… purses make poor doggy bags!

Small medium over and out.  Check out my website,  or reach me at:  for readings, healings, life coaching, seminars/personal appearances.

Lily Dale, N.Y: In Good Company!

April 3, 2010

My job as a psychic medium, healer, teacher, writer and speaker takes me to many wonderful international places, but none as full of history and magic as Lily Dale, New York. I’ll be appearing there this summer co-presenting a workshop and giving readings as a guest medium… I couldn’t be more thrilled! I’m super excited not only because Lily Dale’s summer program is world-renowned but because of the excellent company I’ll be in. This amazing energy centre with homes and architecture that harken back to previous centuries, like in a time warp, has also played host to some of this century’s most brilliant luminaries. This list of Spiritual, Inspirational speakers and mediums reads like a who’s who of world leaders in the metaphysical and healing fields. Names such as Dr. Wayne Dyer, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Doreen Virtue, Allison DuBois, (who told me of my strong healing energy, called me a kindergarten medium when we met and talked last May!) John Edward, Susan B. Anthony and James Van Praagh to name a few. Even the ghost hunters of  TAPS fame, Jason and Grant will be there this summer. Whew, no wonder I’m a little nervous about appearing there as a speaker/medium myself this July 2… that’s quite a cast to follow!! I am honoured to be among them, in some small way, and will hold on to the knowledge that getting me there was Divine Intervention at it’s best.

Many people in both our earth world and the Spirit world got together to facilitate my event July 2nd. and 3rd., of that I have no doubt. How do I know? Because many, many signs directed me along my path and reading those signs, as well as helping others to do so, is one of my favourite things to do as a psychic.  Signs such as Allison DuBois suggesting that I check the place out, even though it’s name made me ask… “Lily Dale, you mean like the chicken”? That’s just a Canadian thing, eh! The day I just “happened” to drop by their offices when the Assembly’s president came out to reception – allowing me the opportunity to discuss my giving a seminar there! Another committee member with the power to book me or not, sitting right beside me in a lecture of over 400 people packed in like sardines. Mere coincidence? I think not!! In fact, there are so many of these “coincidences” that happen to all of us, every day that I’ve decided to write a book about just that. I didn’t decide this alone, by the way… my Spirit guides and advisors TOLD ME that I needed to do this to get the word out about how they help us in our lives. And so I shall. More on that later, dear readers.

My weekend events in Lily Dale are this July 2-3, 2010. Details can be found on my website:  Since opening in 1879 it has been the largest centre for spiritual and metaphysical studies in the world; it’s also a REALLY cool place to visit! I hope to see you all there.

Happy Passover, Easter to you.

Small Medium over and out.

Unbelievable Uxbridge Update.

March 9, 2010

Uxbridge… I’m lovin’ it!! I spent another great weekend giving psychic-mediumship readings to a group of terrific women. There was one token male there… the hostess’ husband, who kindly lent his house for the event and even graciously thanked me afterwards for “making his wife happy”. What a lovely thing to say, I thought, a double-edged compliment. Me on one side, his charming wife on the other.

What I particularly liked about this day/evening party were the two skeptics, who left as believers. I’m fine with folks having a healthy skepticism and I rather enjoy their surprise as I deliver undeniably accurate information. They were both very good sports about it, one flying down the stairs after her reading excitedly asking to use the phone to call a living relative to discuss all the deceased relatives I’d brought through for her. The other, who at first wouldn’t give me an inch in confirming the accuracy of my information, ended up laughingly telling the hostess all the times I’d hit the bullseye… into the wee hours of the morning! I even got correct the exact dessert she had planned to bring to the party, but then didn’t. Sometimes the spirits who give me my info. do have a sense of humour! Lions and tigers and skeptics, oh my!

Other memorable moments were the two spirits who travelled up in my car with me, giving me their exact names as well as that of a third, living person. During the inspirational seminar I give to start off the party, I discovered that all three people, living and dead, belonged to one woman. When I gave her the names I’d been given during my drive, I thought she’d fall right out of her chair with surprise. Hey… I aim to please!

The psychic all-day party became a weekend in Uxbridge thanks again to my dear friends who open their home to me whenever I’m up that way. They feed me too, and rather well I must say. Thanks you two! A lovely brunch the next day with mutual friends completed the weekend. A special thank you also goes out to my funny, sweet, though dangerous party hostess. Why dangerous you ask? She has a black belt, she can kick my a _ _!  Seriously though, a truly fun time was had by all, myself included.

Thanks Uxbridge, you’re blossoming into my home away from home.

Small Medium over and out.

Jaye   :’*)      Kindly check out the website my genius web designer has been hard at work co-creating!